Dr Jonathan Nettle is an accredited specialist obstetrician in Melbourne. 

His practice covers all pregnancies from low to high risk. Jonathan is highly regarded for his reassuring bedside manner and the calm confidence his experience brings. Jonathan’s style of practice is one that makes each patient feel safe, in control and empowered to make informed decisions.

Jonathan’s practice covers:

  • Pre-pregnancy counselling
  • Early pregnancy care including miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy
  • High risk pregnancy 
  • Twin pregnancy
  • VBAC (vaginal birth after caesarean section)
  • Pre-existing medical conditions in pregnancy
  • Endocrine disorders in pregnancy (such as PCOS and thyroid disease)
  • Preterm birth prevention

Jonathan’s private practice is based at Frances Perry House. This is co-located with the Royal Women’s Hospital Parkville where he holds an appointment as a consultant Obstetrician. Francis Perry House provides the best level of private pregnancy care available. The hospital has 24 hour on site obstetric, anaesthetic and paediatric cover which is not available at many Hospitals in Melbourne. 

Read more about Jonathan on the About page.

Your pregnancy

Pregnancy care spans from conception until 6 weeks after the baby is born. Jonathan takes complete responsibility for your care during this period.  

You can contact the consulting rooms as soon as your home pregnancy test is positive.  An appointment for your first visit will then be made and Jonathan is available to you from there onward.  Should any concerns arise or pain or bleeding develop in the interim he will be available for immediate review.

The first visit usually takes 45-60 mins and will involve taking a detailed history and examination. A bedside ultrasound will be performed to confirm the pregnancy and the expected due date.

The course of the pregnancy ahead will be discussed in detail including antenatal blood tests, genetic screening options and ultrasound.


Things to bring to your first visit:

  • A referral from a doctor so that you can claim a Medicare rebate for your visit. This is usually from a GP.
  • Medicare card and private health insurance details.
  • A completed personal information form which you will receive once you’ve booked your appointment. 
  • A completed Medical History form which will also be sent to you prior to the visit.
  • Details & results of recent tests and ultrasounds, particularly those performed during the pregnancy (if you have trouble accessing these don’t stress the practice can chase them for you).

Subsequent visits usually occur at 13, 16, 20, 24, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 39, 40 and 41 weeks of pregnancy. More frequent visits may be required in certain cases and in complex pregnancies. 

Jonathan performs an ultrasound to check up on the growth and well-being of your baby at every antenatal appointment. 

During your pregnancy you will also have the option of having some visits with the highly experienced practice midwife Tristen. She provides support throughout your pregnancy and offers an additional perspective on topics such as nutrition, exercise, weight gain and common symptoms in pregnancy. Tristen is a wonderful resource for breastfeeding guidance and takes part in your post-birth follow up.